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A typical day in November is gray, overcast and cold, but with the weather so unusually warm and sunny for the past few days, you’d think we skipped winter and that it was spring again.

It got me thinking about all the beautiful spring flowers that will be available in just a few short months and all the lovely bridal bouquets and wedding flowers that will be possible then.

It’s really a wedding florist’s joy to be able to work with seasonal flowers that are in their prime and not to be found at any other time of the year than in those few short months.

Elegant tulips, fragrant hyacinths and ranunculus with its circular shape and delicate petals are the flowers that are symbolic of the spring and are divine when combined together in a wedding bouquet.

It’s made even more special because spring flowers are one of the most seasonal of flowers. They start early in the year and are finished by the time you see the tulips sprouting outdoors.

These spring flowers are available in the most magnificent array of colours from soft white and pale pastels to bold and cheerful colours of yellow, orange and bright pink.

And while the colours could be combined together, sometimes there’s nothing that quite as elegant and as lovely selection of spring flowers in a singular colour to make a beautiful seasonal wedding bouquet.

Hand-tied spring bouquet of tulips, hyancinths and ranunculus |

Hand-tied Spring Bouquet of Tulips, Hyancinths and Ranunculus |