Have you seen the movie “A Room With A View”?
While the romantic sites of Florence and the gorgeous country sides of Tuscany are a world away from where I live, I have the absolute pleasure of having my own room with a view.
For the past few days and probably just another day or two more, I have had priviledge of enjoying this from my living room window.
It is a magnolia tree that I probably let go a little too long without a trimming, but when it blooms it’s like a little piece of heaven.
Blooming all but once a year, never to flower again until this time next year, it doesn’t not have a comparable cut flower substitute (meaning: you can’t order the flowers from a store, you just have to enjoy them while you see them around).
While most designers would consider themselves creative and original (which they should), I believe that Mother Nature will always be one up on us creating visions that we could only hope to bring to life and knowing that too much of a good thing creates spoilage so we only have it for a few days to create a year long anticipation before seeing them again.